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What does the formula means and how to calulate?

2023-12-18 10:42:11 ultisensor 36

Our Hall water flow sensor outputs NPN type pulse signals.

The general wiring rules are: red to positive, blackto negative, yellow is output.

Input 24V DC, output high level 23.5V, low level 0.5V.

The flow rate Q = L / min (liters per minute) is in direct proportion to the number of pulses, that is, the greater the number of pulses, the greater the flow rate.

The relationship between pulse number and flow rate is as follows:

Formulated as: F = K * Q; F is the number of pulses per second, and K is a constant.

For example: if the number of pulses per second is 100Hz and K = 10, then the water flow rate in the pipeline is 10L / min (liters per minute);

The above is the instantaneous flow characteristic of the flow sensor.

Generally, we also provide a cumulative flow characteristic: 1L = 577Hz. This means that 577 pulses are 1L of water.

You can choose between two methods.


Note: the constant K value is for reference only. The customer needs to calibrate it himself and fine-tune it based on the reference constant. Because every customer's usage is different.